JL. Merdeka, No. 25 / 29, Babakan Ciamis, Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40117, Indonesia



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Apartemen Tamansari La Grande 

Kota Bandung merupakan kota metropolitan terbesar di Jawa Barat sekaligus menjadi ibu kota provinsi tersebut. Kota ini terletak 140 km sebelah tenggara Jakarta.Pada tahun 1990 kota Bandung menjadi salah satu kota teraman di dunia berdasarkan survei majalah Time.Kota kembang merupakan sebutan lain untuk kota ini, karena pada zaman dulu kota ini dinilai sangat cantik dengan banyaknya pohon-pohon dan bunga-bunga yang tumbuh disana. Selain itu Bandung dahulunya disebut juga dengan Paris van Java karena keindahannya. Selain itu kota Bandung juga dikenal sebagai kota belanja, dengan mall dan factory outlet yang banyak tersebar di kota ini, dan saat ini berangsur-angsur kota Bandung juga menjadi kota wisata kuliner. Dan pada tahun 2007, British Council menjadikan kota Bandung sebagai pilot project kota terkreatif se-Asia Timur. Saat ini kota Bandung merupakan salah satu kota tujuan utama pariwisata dan pendidikan 

Sebagai salah satu kota metropolitan yang letak geografisnya tidak jauh dari Jakarta, Bandung merupakan pilihan tepat bagi warga Jakarta sebagai tempat berwisata. Apalagi dengan adanya tambahan akses untuk masuk kota bandung yaitu tol cipularang. Selain terkenal akan ragam kuliner bandung yang khas, Bandung juga memiliki banyak lokasi wisata alam yang eksotis serta wisata belanja dengan ragam barang yang ditawarkan.

Tempat-tempat wisata yang menjadi daya tarik wisatawan biasanya berpusat di Bandung Selatan dan Bandung Utara seperti Maribaya, perkebunan teh di Rancabali, Lembang, Ciwidey, Malabar, Pengalengan, gunung Halu, situ Pantengan, situ Cileunca, kawah Kamojang, Kawah Putih, air panas Cimanggu dan SariAter atau Ciater. Sementara untuk wisata belanja, sobat dapat menemukan ragam Factory Outlet dengan mudah seperti di Dago, Ciwalk, Riau, Braga, Wastu Kencana, Cibaduyut. Kalau tempat bersejarah misalnya di sepanjang jalan Asia Afrika, Museum Geologi, Hutan Dago. Bahkan sekarang Bandung memiliki satu tujuan wisata keluarga yang terkenal yaitu di TRANS STUDIO di jalan Gatot Subroto. Selain itu  masih banyak ragam wisata lainnya.

Sebagai kota terbesar ketiga di Indonesia, setelah Jakarta dan Surabaya, Bandung dari segi penduduk dan perkembangan penduduknya pun cukup tinggi sekitar 1,5% setiap tahunnya. Potensi bisnis di Bandung pun sangat baik, banyak peluang usaha yang bisa dikembangkan disana.

Dalam sebuah wawancara, CEO Binakarya Propertindo Group Go Hengky Setiawan mengatakan prospek investasi apartemen di Bandung sangat bagus mengingat kota tersebut merupakan tujuan wisata dan memiliki banyak perguruan tinggi negeri maupun swasta terkemuka.

"Setiap tahun harga properti di Bandung mengalami kenaikan sekitar 10%," katanya melalui siaran pers yang diterima di Jakarta, Selasa (3/4).
Menurut dia, ada beberapa alasan yang menyebabkan masyarakat di luar kota Bandung ingin memiliki properti di kota tersebut yakni selain merupakan tujuan wisata belanja dan kuliner, kota tersebut juga memiliki banyak kampus terkemuka baik swasta maupun negeri. 

Maka dari kelebihan-kelebihan tersebut, Lagrande Merdeka hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan anda akan hunian berkelas dengan lokasi premium dan sebagai instrumen investasi properti yang bernilai tinggi.
Tamansari Lagrande adalah apartemen yang berada di kota kembang, Bandung. Apartemen ini terdiri dari dua tower yaitu strate title dengan jumlah 330 unit dan condotel dengan jumlah 200 unit. Apartemen ini yang dekat dengan pusat kawasan wisata kuliner ini, dilengkapi juga dengan shopping acrade di lantai 1-3, dan juga ballroom yang cukup besar.
Karena letaknya yang berada di pusat kota, membuat Tamansari Lagrande dekat dengan berbagai tempat umum lainnya seperti, Pasar Baru Trade Center, Museum Konferensi Asia Afrika, Stasiun Kereta Api Bandung, Trans Studio Bandung, Bandara Husein Sastranegara, Taman Hutan Raya Juanda, Gunung Tangkuban Perahu, dan masih banyak lagi.
Tamansari Lagrande juga menyediakan fasilitas yang sangat menarik, seperti restaurant, lounge, pusat kebugaran, laundry, ruang meeting, bisnis center, wifi, spa, dan masih banyak lagi.
Ada beberapa dua tipe unit apartemen yang tersedia, antara lain tipe 1 BR (35,08 m2) dan tipe 2 BR 


  • ATM
  • Badminton Court
  • BBQ Area
  • Cafe
  • Children Playground
  • Commercial Area
  • Fitness Centre
  • Gymnasium
  • Jacuzzi
  • Jogging Track
  • Kid's Pool
  • Laundry
  • Mini Mart
  • Multi-function Room
  • Parking Lot
  • Restaurant
  • Security
  • Swimming Pool
LaGrande Apartment and Condotel @Merdeka Tamansari adalah Apartement Eksklusif dengan fasilitas modern dan lengkap dengan view pegunungan. Tepat di tengah kota Bandung, lokasi yang strategis tepat berada di depan Bandung Indah Plaza.
La Grande Apartment dekat dengan lokasi kampus ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung) dan UNPAR (Universitas Katolik Parahyangan)

Segera Dapatkan Hunian Apartment Eksklusif and Modern “ LaGrande @Merdeka Tamansari”
Untuk tahap pertama yang akan dipasarkan adalah Tower Apartment,Wing “ HALIMUN ” yang terdiri dari beberapa type yaitu mulai dari type 1 dan 2 Bedrooms.

Berlokasi di tempat yang sangat strategis di pusat kota Bandung dan dekat dengan berbagai fasilitas umum, perkantoran, sekolah, perguruan tinggi, tempat wisata, pusat perbelanjaan, pusat hiburan, rumah sakit, dll.
Fasilitas yang ditawarkan lengkap, seperti, swimming pool masing-masing tower di lantai 4, roof garden, Ballroom, Meeting room, Gym / Fitness Center, Food arcade, dll.

Untuk APARTEMEN, merupakan hunian yang sangat cocok bagi anda yang ingin tinggal di pusat Kota Bandung agar dekat dengan aktifitas sehari-hari anda dan keluarga.
Untuk CONDOTEL, merupakan pilihan investasi yang tepat bagi anda yang ingin memiliki kamar hotel sendiri dan mendapatkan passive income tanpa harus bekerja sedikitpun, karena Condotel akan di operasikan sepenuhnya oleh operator hotel ternama.




Apartment and Condotel La Grande Merdeka Tamansari adalah Apartement dan Condotel Eksklusif dengan fasilitas modern dan lengkap dengan view pegunungan. Tepat di tengah kota Bandung, lokasi yang strategis berada di depan Bandung Indah Plaza.
Segera Dapatkan Hunian Apartment Eksklusif and Modern “ La Grande Merdeka Tamansari”
La Grande Merdeka Tamansari terdiri atas 2 tower, satu menara (330 unit) dijual putus dengan status kepemilikan Hak Milik di atas satuan rumah susun (strata title), dan satu menara lagi akan dioperasikan sebagai condotel sebanyak 200-an unit setara hotel bintang 4 yang pengelolaannnya dikerjasamakan dengan operator hotel ternama.
Karena berada di kawasan wisata kuliner, La Grande Merdeka Tamansari rencananya juga akan dilengkapi shoping arcade di lantai 1-3 untuk food festival yang menyuguhkan aneka makanan khas Bandung termasuk kue Soes Merdeka.
Kemudian menyangkut kota Bandung sebagai tempat favorit untuk menggelar Meeting, Incentives, Conference, and Exhibition (MICE) perusahaan-perusahaan swasta nasional, multinasional, BUMN dan instansi pemerintah, La Grande Merdeka Tamansari juga akan dilengkapi ballroom yang cukup besar. “Kawasan Dago makin terkenal sebagai central business-nya Bandung. Oleh karena itu kami menggabungkan antara kebutuhan meeting dan wisata”

 Lokasi Proyek La Grande Merdeka Tamansari ini berada di :
- Pusat Kota Bandung
- Berhadapan langsung dengan Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP)
- Berhadapan langsung dengan Bandung Electronik Centre (BEC)
- Bersebelahan dengan pusat toko buku terbesar Gramedia
- Berada di kawasan Car Free Day (only Sunday)
- 4 menit ke pusat wisata tempo doeloe Braga and Asia Afrika
- 4 menit ke pusat Factory Outlet Jl.Riau – Bandung
- 5 menit ke Dago Comercial Area
- 5 menit ke kampus ITB
- 15 menit dari Pintu Tol Pasteur
Condotel Lagrande same with Condotel or Condo-Hotel. A condo hotel, also known as a hotel-condo or a Condotel, is a building used as both a condominium and a hotel. Condo hotels are typically high-rise buildings developed and operated as luxury hotels, usually in major cities and resorts. These hotels have condominium units which allow someone to own a full-service vacation home. When they are not using this home, they can leverage the marketing and management done by the hotel chain to rent and manage the condo unit as it would any other hotel room.

How do the condotels work?
As the name implies, condotels are hybrid investments with both residential and hotel components. It is an unconventional business form. Like other real estate purchases, the buyer owns the condo unit and is responsible for the property taxes, insurance and maintenance/homeowner association fees. There are a variety of different products on the market with an array of options. Some condotels are arranged like traditional hotels with primary residences that are not rented to the public. Some have no rooms dedicated for hotel rental and the only available rooms are those that the owners make available. While others consist of hotel rooms and individually owned condominiums that are available to be rented while not in use. These condos are managed by rental management companies or hotel operators who are responsible for renting, cleaning and maintaining the units. The hotel reservations are rotated amongst the unit owners and the revenue generated from these rentals is usually split between the unit owners and the rental management company. In addition, the unit owners may be required to give a 15-60 day notice to the rental management company prior to occupying the unit. In most instances, the furnishing, layout and interior ambiance will be uniform throughout the hotel. Therefore, the owners are limited when it comes to adding their creative ideas to the look and presentation of the units. The logic here is that individual ownership of these units should be transparent to the guests who are renting the rooms.
All of the logistics – operating requirements, restrictions, rules, regulations – for specific condotels can be found in the declaration of covenant, conditions and restrictions (CC&R’s), the rental management agreements, and the Homeowner’s Association (HOA) articles and bylaws. These documents are in place to govern and bind all current and future owners to the operating standards for the condotel. These standards are enforceable by the HOA and are necessary to ensure the success of the condotel project. For example, the documents will regulate the minimum number of available units for hotel rental, means to provide funding and operating reserves for building maintenance, and HOA fees.
Legalities for developers of condotels
Condotels are extremely appealing to hotel developers because the presale of these units allow for more working capital in the interim of the project. Financing in the hotel industry is usually limited to a 50% loan-to-value. Meaning the banks/lenders are only approving loans that are 50% of the properties expected value, leaving the developers to bare the other 50% of the cost. However, with the presale equity credits gained from the sale of the condotel units, the banks/lenders will allow financing closer to the 90% loan-to-value range. In addition, developers are able to sell these condos for a higher value than other comparable standard condos in the same market because of the added benefit of the hotel amenities. These amenities can typically add a 15-40% increase in value per square foot.
Unlike the sale of standard condominiums, the sale of condotels could fall under federal and state security laws depending on the structure and marketing components. The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) has regulated that if the sale of a condotel involves a discussion or mention of the rental management program or investment benefits, then the developer is required to register the sale as a “security.” In order to bypass the security registration requirement, it is vital that the developer understand and adhere to the guidelines set forth by the SEC. One of the most important conditions require that a separate, third party rental management company be in place to discuss any and all rental and investment aspects of the sale to potential buyers. Therefore only the rental management company, and not the developer’s sales team, can discuss comparable condotel sales, rental history, and revenue factors and benefits of condotel ownership. The developer’s sales team is limited to simply selling the condotel as a piece of real estate, outlining the valued benefits of the lifestyles, services, and amenities that are associated with the unit itself.

Who are buying these condotels?
Condotel buyers usually fall into the following categories: real estate investors, business executives/travelers and second home buyers. Real estate investors find condotels appealing due to the potential rental income that can be generated via the rental management programs, the potential appreciation value of the units, and the low maintenance components. They can also take advantage of the 1031 tax exchange program to purchase these units. This program gives investors the opportunity to defer paying capital gains taxes from the sell of investment property(s) if they purchase similar property(s) of equal or greater value. In most instances, multiple units can be purchased utilizing the 1031 tax exchange credit.
The purchase of condotels is also appealing to business executives/travelers who are visiting the same location multiple times throughout the year. The investment in a condo hotel can be both convenient and cost effective.
As for second-home buyers, these hassle-free, luxury properties are ideal. They are convenient for family vacations, stress-free getaways, and/or intimate excursions. Unlike timeshares, they can benefit from the rental income and appreciation value potentials. In addition, they work well as a second option for those that live in the suburbs on the outskirts of big cities who either work or entertain in the downtown/city areas. They can save the hassles of battling traffic and/or long drives back to their suburban residences after a long days work or night on the town.
For all three categories of buyers, the condotels are also appealing due to the access of the 24-hour amenities that could include dry cleaning, laundry, newspaper delivery, concierge services, valet parking, workout facilities, pools, spas, etc. In addition, these properties are maintenance free because the management companies are usually responsible for their upkeep.
What to look for when buying condotels?
When looking to invest in condotels, it is advisable to consult with a knowledgeable realtor. However, there are some areas of importance to consider when researching condotel investments:
Location, Location, Location. Like the investment of any other piece of real estate – location, location, location is very important. You should consider beachfront properties, popular resorts, high traffic areas, such as those near major convention centers or heavily populated business districts. You want your property positioned so that you can benefit from both the rental and appreciation components.
What’s In A Name. With condotels, the probability of success increases with the marketing and use of corporate branding. Investing in units that are backed by the Hilton, Trump Towers, Four Seasons, etc. brands are always a plus. These and similar entities are well known/recognized and people choose to patronize these facilities over independently-owned facilities. The familiarity, quality, and level of service associated with these organizations are important attributes for potential guests.
Management. The success of a condotel relies very heavily on the operations of the management company and the rental program. Detailed, comprehensible and enforceable operating standards must be in place to maintain the quality and integrity of the condotel operation. Non-compliance of these standards from owners, tenants and guests could result in the deterioration of the hotel which could lead to higher expenses and loss profits. An experienced management company brings their expertise and marketing strategies to the development.
For many condotels are proving to be good investments, because they offer benefits unlike any other investing opportunity. However as with any other investment, be sure to do your research to minimize pitfalls and losses. It is vital to understand the logistics of the investment and that you work the numbers to determine the potential risks. Also because condotels are hybrid investments, remember you are also venturing into the hotel business.

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Pengembang PT Wika Realty
Jumlah Unit360 unit
Selesai Dibangun2015
Kondisi GedungReady for occupancy


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